By my reckoning, there only are two ways that
Two objects can occupy the same spatial dimensions:
If they are separated, however slightly, by the dimension of time and
If they achieve union.
He and I transposed through the former.
You and I realized the latter.
Now, we have broken the bonds that held us in joyous swirling solution.
We have reassumed our respective atoms.
But I have some subtle sense that,
Through our dissolution,
We exchanged a few of the electrons that forged and held our bond.
Though I cannot yet detect what I have lost,
I feel the ones you left whirling in the matrix of my being.
I lie awake at night calculating their angular momentum.
I pulse in their magnetic moments.
I cherish them.
I fear the ones I left in you
Vibrate at a more melancholic frequency
Than the ones you gifted me.